
What to know when you’re renting a dumpster for the first time?

If you decide to rent a dumpster for the first time, it’s because you already know its benefits. But many times people forget to inform themselves beforehand to have the best experience, although it’s normal because the process is new to you.

The process is very simple and you just need to keep in mind a basic idea. The main task is to have a good provider that responds with the best service that suits your needs.

This article gives you some tips to help you make the correct decisions and properly prepare to avoid mistakes.

How to prepare to rent a dumpster?

Learn a few things most people don’t know when deciding to rent a dumpster:

1) You have six sizes to choose from.

Dumpsters come in six sizes. So you can choose them according to the space available in your property and that it fits the use that you will give it.

2) There is a container for each type of garbage and debris.

Please note that there are restrictions on types of waste materials. Before renting a container, make sure you have good project management and do not get out of there.

Some common and accepted wastes are: appliances and furniture, household items, garden debris, floors, cabinets, among others.

3) Hazardous waste is not permitted in your rental container. 

This includes some toxic, flammable, corrosive and reactive. Check the list of what these types of waste are to avoid inconveniences when your supplier picks up the container:

  • Batteries.
  • Painting.
  • Oils.
  • Chemicals.
  • Solvents.
  • Oil or gasoline tanks.
  • Gasoline.
  • Refrigerant.
  • Explosives.

4) Take care of weight limits.

Ask for advice from your supplier about the weight that the container you rent can have. The more weight the more expensive it will be, this is because disposal companies are charged at the dump by weight. However, it is not advisable to lie about what you will put there, because when you return it full you may have a bad time.

5) Maybe you need a permit for dumpster rentals.

You will need to check with your local authority to find out if you need a permit. A permit is usually needed if you have to place the container on the street.

6) Select and create a perfect location to place the container.

The perfect place for your dumpster should be free from trees and other obstacles. Garbage containers must not be placed on uneven ground. Also not on soft surfaces due to the weight. Another detail to consider is that there must be space for the size of the container you need. If you don’t have enough space, you’ll need to rent a smaller one and schedule multiple trips.

7) Find help.

If you have trouble thinking about all points, we recommend doing a list with questions for the provider. Also you can plan with them according to the project for successful delivery to save time and hassle.

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